Lockdown… again… We miss you guys coming in, playing games and chatting about anything and everything…
But, we will do whatever is necessary to keep us all safe and well – even if that means no in store Friday Night Magic, Warhammer Wednesdays and every other day of the week we are here, not to mention the lack of D&D.
If you are part of the gaming page you’ll see the little offers we keep putting on and we thank you for your continued support while we are closed – we’ll try and keep you up to date as much as we can and remember our Website is also up and running if you want or need anything message us on your preferred platform and we will respond.
Another note: So, many of you know that during Lockdown V1 I started working with South East Coast Ambulance Service while working behind the scenes at the shop which was sadly closed.
I love my new job and it has given Mike the opportunity to look after the shop, which he hadn’t been able to do since we started in 2016!
I think its fair to say that some of my new colleagues (although initially didn’t realize just how nerdy I can be about gaming) are just as passionate about board games as me! Although I will add; we’ll get some Magic or D&D players OR (insert other tabletop game here) out of you yet…
Anyway, without rambling I just want to say Thank You to all those in emergency services and front line care services who are working hard through this pandemic. I see on a daily basis how our ambulance service is getting on and it’s amazing how hard you all work! So I know others are too.
So we’ve signed up to Blue Light Card to give you a little thank you in terms of a discount on our website or in store. – Check the Blue Light Card website or app for us and grab the discount code.
Anyway, the discount is live now and if you do buy from us and you work for SECAmb by all means select 'pick up in store' if you are local to Control (East) or Medway Station and I’ll bring it with me 😊

That's all for now - we hope you are all staying safe and we cant wait to see you back in store soon.